
[Response] Unrelenting efforts to prevent and control the epidemic

Posted by 超级管理员

At present, the global new crown pneumonia epidemic continues to spread, and the risk of epidemic import is increasing. The joint defense and joint control mechanism of the State Council stated at a press conference recently that relevant scientific research and epidemic prevention and control practices at home and abroad have shown that the delta variant strain has not caused subversive changes in the biological characteristics of the new coronavirus, and the source of infection and the route of transmission are basically clear. Existing epidemic prevention and control measures are still effective against the Delta variant. At the same time, more than 1.8 billion doses of the new crown vaccine have been reported nationwide.


The national epidemic situation is showing a trend of partial occurrence, and the epidemic situation tends to develop on a regular basis. All of these have brought greater challenges to the epidemic prevention and control work. Therefore, as two new organizations, we must continue to do a good job in normalized epidemic prevention and control. The AUSTAR party branch cadres take the lead in wearing masks, measuring body temperature, and washing hands frequently. The person in charge of the company's administrative department needs to issue a notice on epidemic prevention and control in a timely manner, promptly and effectively inform all employees of the company on the precautions for epidemic prevention, make a good emergency response conversion mechanism, activate the command system in a timely manner, strengthen monitoring and early warning, and strictly report the system. Cooperate with the government to do a good job in the normalization of the epidemic situation.

All departments in the company should perform their duties, and everyone should be responsible and implement relevant policies. Local governments should establish and improve mechanisms for regular prevention and control and emergency response, timely activate the command system, strengthen monitoring and early warning, and strictly implement reporting systems. We need to speed up regional coordination, coordinate the forces of public security, industry and information technology, and public health, optimize data algorithms, improve the accuracy of information push, and urge relevant authorities to check as soon as possible. In accordance with the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council, we need to find loopholes, address the crux of the problem, implement the requirements of the "four early", consolidate the "four responsibilities", strictly implement all prevention and control work, and resolutely stop the spread of the epidemic.


Winning the protracted battle against the epidemic requires the efforts of the government, society and individuals. Enterprises need to strictly implement prevention and control measures, adhere to the national chess board, in order to effectively prevent and control the epidemic in the normal development.





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